Having your enthusiasm and support means the world to us. So please consider reading and sharing this "Letter of Support" and Sign Up! Despite what you may perceive, we are sort of outsiders when it comes to getting a Feature Film made. Having the full co-sign of an enthusiastic community like you all will mean everything in creating a higher likelihood of us succeeding in getting this project realized. Thank you for your inspiration and consideration.

We, the undersigned, are writing to appeal to you to consider supporting the distribution and partnership of bringing a feature-length film adaptation of Marc Ecko's renowned 2006 video game "Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure." The game has maintained a huge and devoted fan base that would like to see their favorite characters along with a modern update of the narrative on the big screen. The underlying I.P. and universe from the Getting Up game would make a compelling and rich film. It is a cult classic of our generation. Our lead protagonist, Coltrane “Trane” Crowley is a graffiti artist, a truth seeker on a mission to use his gifts of ingenuity and art as a tool to expose the hypocrisy that undermines his city, New Radius. Trane and his peers have to deal with surviving in a world governed by rotten politics designed under the guise of a meritorious propagandizing surveillance state. Surviving, let alone "making a name" for yourself, and even EXPRESSING one's self in their brutal reality— is dangerous.
Trane, and his misfit crew of artists and cypherpunks, live in a divided world of New Radius, one made up of have-nots and have-lessors. His world is interwoven with media misinformation, mass deployment of un-ethical artificial intelligence, a projected augmented reality that obscures truth, and a detached populus willing to be lulled by the digital slumber of New Radius's "Revive, Rebuild, and Renew" initiative.
We are grateful that fellow super fan and Film Director Elliott Montello provoked this into action! He made this pilot trailer. What an excellent story of using his talents, resources, and network to appeal to his industry colleagues in order to re-energize Getting Up! His generous enthusiasm compelled this project into action , gathering the attention of Marc Ecko, RJD2, and many of the original contributors to Getting Up!
From the script to the look and feel, to the music and the art, we are confident that the right team is behind this project. We are united and committed to supporting this film. And NOW, with your leadership, it can happen! We know you are likely as exhausted as us with the same old overproduced and underwhelming formula franchise films. No shade. We all love a good MCU flick, but let's mix it up! Getting Up: Legends of New Radius we will reward you with success, our enthusiasm, and our support!
So, in conclusion, we appeal to you to support this PROJECT and the team Marc Ecko is NOW assembling in making this film, CORRECTLY, as soon as possible!
Take their call and meet them. Don't get sidetracked because they appear to be outsiders. Support independent creativity, graffiti culture, and the video game subculture that inspires us by greenlighting Getting Up: Legends of New Radius as a properly backed and marketed feature film!
Thank you for your time.
The World Famous Still Free Crew!
P.S.- And when you finally greenlight it, get their back! Don't tolerate design by committee! Help this team to help you, help us.
P.P.S.- If you do this, it may even compel Marc to get off his Ass and make a new video game version! We need that too! 😄